Venus Rising – Jade Temple

Leeliu’s Venus Rising Wild Magic Celebration Circle & Ceremony takes place on a momentous day of Friday 13th, in Koh Panghan’s women’s main sanctuary and space, The Jade Temple – a Venusian morning of reclaiming the magic and sacredness of the number 13, honouring the divine feminine in the multitude of Her ways, expressed through the bodies, voices and hearts of unique wondrous women, in movement and stillness, in sound and silence – the Goddess continues to be nourished and awaken alive, embodied in Earth & Sky, and beyond – May this gift of Shakti serve you in remembering to give thanks, honour and walk in beauty.

Please contact me if you or your child are in a photo and you want to use it for your business, social media, art, etc. (what is commercial?).

Private use on social media is always free of charge (please attribution required).

My work as a guest photographer at festivals comes from the joy of sharing beautiful moments. If you want to support my art, I am happy about a donation of your choice. 


By the way: I have been conceptualizing, designing, creating and maintaining professional websites for 25 years. My current work you can find here und here.