Doll Circus – Bürgerfest Regensburg 2023

I’ve got big balls
Oh, I’ve got big balls
And they’re such big balls
Dirty big balls
And he’s got big balls
And she’s got big balls
(But we’ve got the biggest balls of them all)
– AC/DC, Big Balls (covered by girl rock band, Doll Circus)

These dolls got the biggest balls of a riotous evening at Regensburg Bürgerfest, a revival of the city’s weekend festival after 4 years, packed with summer joy and power – they rocked the stage firing up feminine power with covers and original songs about being free & bold in life,  masterbation!

These women were rousing roars & cheers in their set, entertaining the crowd with their wild, creative and expressive ways throughput – this collection of their performance celebrates the rising radiance of the feminine – yes and more please!

My work as a guest photographer at festivals comes from the joy of sharing beautiful moments. If you want to support my art, I am happy about a donation of your choice.