"You capture the moments when people lose themselves in the moment!"
Axel Hebenstreit, born 1970, studied design in Krefeld, has been working since his diploma in 1998, mainly in the field of classical graphic– and webdesigns and since 2012 also as a professional freelance photographer and videographer and is the father of 2 children. He lives in Bad Feilnbach.
Some call me the photographer with the pink glasses. I have the gift of always seeing the most beautiful and radiant in people. My strength lies above all in the ability to perceive the essence, the spirit of an event or a person and to make it visible through a photograph filled with love and compassion.
Art and mathematics were already my two favourite subjects when I graduated from high school. This unique combination of two seemingly opposing talents enables me to offer optimal synergies in my field of activity. When it comes to technical aspects such as programming and automation, I always keep an eye on aesthetic aspects and design. I know how things interrelate and what has to be considered to make everything work in the end. My design follows the guiding principle “form follows function”, whereby for me the beautiful is also a “function”. Whether logo, flyer or a complete corporate identity, I design every graphic task from the sketch to the artwork, and if desired, I also take care of the printing assignment and quality assurance. More than 20 years of experience and my ability to keep an eye on all aspects of your brand presence support you optimally in the communication of your offerings.
I am happy to advise you: info@axel.media or send me a message via the contact form.
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