„When sleeping women wake, they move mountains” – Chinese Proverb Alive, alive, yes Shakti, yes Devi, yes Venus! The feminine Spirit awakens, stirs & shakes up Munich with love, beauty and gracious nourishment …

Bettina & Jan Thiel wanted new, natural and expressive photos for their work as Feldenkrais practitioners. By the way, their new website is also made by me: feldenkrais-muenchen.de

Aaron Wälchli in concert in der Villa Wenkenhof in Riehen, Switzerland, on Nov. 10, 2022. I Aaron met in September 2022 at the Wild Heart Festival in the Black Forest. He found my …

An autumn evening of music, celebration, expressions at Rote Fabrik with Aquario‘s first concert in Munich, followed by Nana Dakini joining forces with Erik (Aquario) to invite all to move, express in ecstatic …