Leeliu’s Venus Rising

She’s got it, yea baby she’s got it
I’m your Venus, I’m your fire, your desire!

Munich muses of magic and magnificence gather on this momentous Venusian flavoured evening cocreating an incredibly beautiful space of soothing, sassy, saucy, sexy, sweet, sovereignty! A circle of 16 wise women: mothers, doulas, musicians, students, teachers came together and welcomed themselves and each other with such sweet curiosity, tender hearted bravery – a living space in a building transformed into a giant slice of heaven on earth – practicing the muscles self care and self honouring in community, in devotion, guided by my beloved Leeliu.
There is a revolution of the New Earth co-arising, from each woman, and man, remembering the Goddess, Gaia, within and around all that is.
Healing, transformation, magic occurs naturally when women gather, where circles are being held & shared – may more of us, women and men, return to this way of circling in loving harmony.

Blessings to all!

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