Connecting with wise wondrous wild nature, at the UNESCO Penang Hill Biosphere Reserve.
(Catch a rare glimpse of Axel in this one!)
Nestled atop the storied Penang Hill lies a pristine conserved and protected Nature sanctuary, of rolling hills, rainforest valleys and diverse wildlife.
We enjoyed immensely this nourishing time visiting this sacred nature spot, discovering the beauty of the flora and fauna, insect and animal life being preserved, undisturbed.
Appreciating the message from the co-founders of this project: “we understand the importance of protecting our planet for future generations so we’ve pledged the proceeds of our park to The Habitat Foundation, whose mission is to support initiatives in education, research, and sustainable tourism that conserve biodiversity. Additionally, the foundation provides grants to researchers both in Malaysia and beyond, to support research that expands our knowledge of the environment and helps make evidence-based decisions in addressing the threats facing our planet.
We are committed to doing our part to ensure that the world we love is preserved for all future generations.”
May more of us rise into this way of stewarding our shared home planet, and all of Life, with this sensitivity and sovereignty.
Aho Mitakuyeoyasin, For All our Relations.
Peace & Blessings
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