Summer Solstice 2023

We are circling, circling together
We are singing, singing our heart song
This is family
This is unity
This is celebration
This is sacred” – rainbow song

The cloudy wet skies held off their dance on this evening, blessing us with Sun and Moon light on this beautiful celebratory evening of the Solstice – where over 150 souls brought their love to honour the Sun, the rhythms of the Earth, the circle of life, to the fire, offering their love notes to each other in sweet connection and play, to Grandfather Fire, feasting & singing songs of Earth, love and light together.
We are stronger in the circle of LOVE.
Together we rise.

Blessed Solstice times of celebrating the light!

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Suche 2-Zimmer-Wohnung bis 800€ warm mit Badewanne

Gerne mit entweder Balkon oder Terrasse oder Garten.

Bis wann?

bis spätestens Ende Mai’25


Grossraum Chiemsee oder Grossraum Regensburg.