Netanel Goldberg

“Fly like a river
Flow with the ocean
Fly on the wind that blows throw the winter
Dream about love
Believe in your dreams
Live in the ocean of love
Close your eyes and feel the wind that is blowing
Open up your hands and sing
I am holy
I am holy
I am here to live this life”

Netanel Goldberg

Blessed we are, to live this life. Circling on a beautiful autumn evening in „Auf Heft”, we gathered with beautiful international soul artist musician, circle and ceremony leader, Netanel Goldberg, and entered a timeless healing space with over 80 souls– sitting and sharing dreams, visions, prayers in harmony and beauty, pausing, praising, praying for life, as one tribe, one family.
Through Netanel’s exquisite presence, and way of leading people deeply into unity, the evening was filled up with so much heartopening beauty, love and togetherness.

These times are immense, intense, incredibly vital to come together in presence, harmony, peace. To give thanks, to pause and listen. To speak and be heard. To honour and grief, to dream and celebrate. We are stronger in the heart of love together. May this photo album serve as nourishment to soothe, sweeten and soften your ways forward.

Blessings to all
Peace to all
Love to all
Light to all
Om Shanti. Peace. Shalom. Salaam

Meine Arbeit als Gastfotograf auf Festivals entsteht aus der Freude am Teilen der schönen Momente. Wenn Du meine Kunst unterstützen möchtest, freue ich mich über eine Spende Deiner Wahl. 

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